Hissène HabréŽ: Senegal and AU agree on special tribune

News 27.08.2012

After years of wrangling over what to do about Hissène Habré, Senegal and the African Union have signed an agreement to set up a special tribunal to try Chad’s former leader. This deal comes a month after the International Court of Justice passed a binding rule that Senegal must begin proceedings to try Mr Habré, if it does not extradite him (which Senegal refused 4 times already).

The deal is most certainly an encouragement for Jacqueline Moudeina (RLA 2011), who spent most of her work on bringing the former dictator to justice. In 2000 she filed a case against Habré in Senegal, and when it was thrown out, worked towards his extradition to Belgium (where he would be tried under Belgium’s universal jurisdiction law). Read more.

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